When finished, students can download their advertisement as a. When creating the advertisement, students will have to choose a persuasive technique to help sell their product.
After a lesson about advertising, students can use this website to create an advertisement for a product of their choice. Finally, students can type a sentence that uses the word contextually and relates to the image. To do so, students can first type the word into the drawing and then create a visual that represents it. When studying vocabulary words, students can use this website to create images of the words. Other students in the class can then respond by explaining their understanding of how the image represents the quote. jpeg file and then upload it to a class website. When finished, students can download their work as a. Next, students can use the drawing tools to illustrate the quote and its meaning. After reading a text, teachers can have students choose one quote from the text and add it to an image. Sketchpad will then automatically download their work as the file type they selected. When finished, users can save their work by clicking the “Disk” button and then choosing how they wish to save their work. Sketchpad will then insert the image and users will be able to add content to it using the tools previously described. If users wish to draw on their own images, they can import an image by clicking the “File Folder+” icon and then selecting the image from their computer.
Users can continue to add content to their drawing by clicking the “T” button to add text, the “Star” button to add shapes, and the “Smiley Face” icon to add clipart among other options. At this point, users can click into the drawing area on the screen and drag their cursor in it to begin drawing. Next, users can click the “Ink Drop” icon to choose the color they wish to use.
To begin, users can click the writing utensil and choose the one they wish to use from the drop down menu. After loading the website, users can click the tools on the left side menu of the screen to add content. Sketchpad from Sketch.io is a website that allows users to draw, doodle, and sketch.