
You will find zithers are more challenging to play because they are fretless. Zithers are difficult instruments to master. Chorded zithers are often more difficult to play by beginners. While most chords are written more for guitars, you can chord a zither. While playing the zither, you create chords. Polyphony is the maximum number of notes an instrument can play simultaneously. Polyphony is an ethereal tone that results from the zither playing multiple notes simultaneously. Zithers are known for their unique polyphony. This instrument is also used to add amazing depth to orchestral music. You will hear zithers used a lot in classical music. While some people compare the sounds of zithers to other instruments, they are incomparable. Zithers have a highly distinguishable sound. The most important zither component for sound is the resonance surfaces. Zithers are beautiful instruments, and makers must study for years to create fine-sounding instruments. As your fingertips toughen, you can eventually work yourself up to copper or brass, and in due course, steel. Steel strings can be brutal on your fingers and can even cause pain. When you begin playing a zither, you may want to choose one with nylon or fiber strings until you toughen your fingers. Those who prefer metal stringed zithers will often choose copper or brass strings because they have a much softer sound and will not cause as much damage to the soundboard. Copper and brass strings are more difficult to pluck than fiber or nylon, but these metals are softer than steel, so they are easier alternatives to steel. Some zithers are made with copper or brass instead of steel strings. Fiber and nylon strings are best for beginners because they make playing the zither much more comfortable. Traditional zithers were made with steel strings, but some zithers have other types, including fiber or nylon. One set of the strings is tuned to diatonic and the other set is tuned to various chords to produce a melody. This instrument has a sound box with two sets of unstopped strings. This type of zither is referred to as a guitar type because of the sound it produces. There is also the Alpine variant of concert zithers which features a fretted fingerboard.Ĭhord zithers are often referred to as guitar zithers. The open strings of the concert zither form the accompaniment. You play the melody strings with a pick attached to your right thumb, and your left hand stops. One of the most significant reasons concert zithers differ from other types is the way they are played. The concert zither is a unique instrument that was developed in the early 20 th century. If you are considering learning to play, you need to know about the types and the playing style they offer. The way you tune this instrument will depend on the age of the strings, stability of the tuning pins, and the age of the instrument. When tuning a zither, there are a few things you need to consider. Tuning contrabass strings: F E Eb D C# C B Bb A G# G F# FF Tuning bass strings: Eb Bb F C G D A E B F# C# G# Tuning accompaniment strings: eb bb f c g d a e b f# c# g# Start with string A and move to the other strings one by one.Place the electric tuner over the sound hole.Lay the zither on a flat, secure table.You can also use a pitch pipe or tuning forks, depending on your preference. Some expert players can tune these instruments by ear. Most people, especially beginners, use an electronic tuner to tune a zither.


Tuning a zither is much like tuning a guitar. One of the most common questions people have about zithers is how you tune them. There are zithers that have up to 72 strings. They classify zithers according to the number of strings they have. The number of strings on a zither range from 6 to 50 or more, depending on the maker of the instrument. Much like a guitar, the body of the zither serves as its resonating chamber. You play a zither by plucking the strings with a plectrum or your fingers. Zithers are psaltery instruments that are stringed. The Zither Requires Patience but Is Worth the Effort.If you are interested in the zither, this guide will give you everything you need to know. In this article we aim to answer all of these questions. So what is a zither instrument, how is it played, how many strings does it have and is the zither hard to learn?
